#22 - 8 Ways to Build A Confident Self Image

Personal Development Courses That Make Every Day Living Easier
  • Step into a stronger and more confident role within yourself - watch the video below and do it!

  • Compliment your reflection as if it were a good friend
  • Act confident, posture, chin up, stand tall, smile
  • Groom yourself and dress nicely
  • Cancel any negative thoughts
  • Be prepared. Use elevator pitches and visualisation. (Its in the video)
  • Exercise 
  • Clear your desk and de-clutter
  • Use affirmations (first thing in the morning before you start your day and last thing at night as you go to bed)



  • Learn how to remove feelings of powerlessness and frustration from your life (This was in last weeks email)
  • Step into a stronger and more confident role within yourself (Todays email that links to this web page )

If you are subscribed, over the next 5 weeks you will receive:

  • Build yourself up easily every day as you slowly learn how to calmly stand up for yourself
  • Ease anxiety attacks - fully guided meditation to release anxiety
  • Stop negative self talk and self sabotage and stop putting yourself down
  • Reduce pain in the stomach and middle back area and ease the symptoms of reflux and indigestion
  • Not feel guilty about taking the time you need for yourself and your own personal growth

If you'd rather dive into all of the information now instead of having to wait, click here and learn more



Purchase the entire course now  for only $27


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Copyright Kelly Flack