Shifting old patterns. Creating new ways. 
It's time to do the BIG work. It's time . . .

Inner Work Workshops

Higher Self  Extra Resources

If you have purchased the full online course that can accompany The Higher Self Crystal Care Pack,
you will find ALL 21 of the course videos in there plus the free chakra course.
If not, here's where you will find a few extras to go with the book :)

See Page 4 of your Higher Self book

Physical Light Healing from Your Higher Self


See page 8 of your Higher Self book

Accessing Your Spirit Team

Simply read through The Calling and FEEL your team drop in as you go along.

I call The Light of Universal Love and  Healing to me
I call Archangel Michael to me for protection
I call my Highest Vibrational Guides to me
Please help to move healing energy through me, not from me
Into me, me, me, for my highest will and good

All other videos are in the full online course. 

See page 13 of your Higher Selfbook

The Droplet Guided Meditation Journey

Journey through the universe, galaxy and solar system as an individual droplet of water and then, as you come to a stop, experience yourself as a part of The Whole / expanded consciousness.


The Higher Self 21  Video Online Course 

Course Sections

  • From strategy to mindset and energy
  • Everything begins with a thought
  • Work with crystals for crown chakra healing
  • Ease migraines and tension headaches with this follow along distant reiki healing session
  • Colour therapy
  • A journalling practice to open up to silence of the crown
  • Physical light healing from your higher self guided journey
  • Understand higher consciousness and expand your awareness
  • Have a greater understanding of who you really are and your connection with Universe / God / Source Energy
  • You already have the answers
  • The Droplet. Guided meditation journey
  • No longer be afraid to question everything in life to get answers (and use discernment)
  • Positive questions versus negative questions
  • We can connect with what we are which is spirit
  • Feel connections with your spirit team
  • The Healing Touch Guided Journey
  • Becoming aware of the best version of you
  • How to merge with the best version of you
  • Higher Self Guided Journey
  • Reiki for full body healing session. Follow along


Copyright Kelly Flack