Shifting old patterns. Creating new ways. 
It's time to do the BIG work. It's time . . .

Inner Work Workshops

Words Are Energy Extra Resources

If you have purchased the full online course that can accompany The Words Are Energy Crystal Care Pack,
you will find ALL 19 of the course videos in there plus the free chakra course.
If not, here's where you will find a few extras to go with the book :)

See Page 6 of your Words Are Energy book

Practicing Your Words With Difficult People

Speak With Love

Fake it 'til you make it

Smile :)


See page 8 of your Words Are Energy book

The Relaxed Version of You - A Guided Journey

Learn how to approach many different aspects of life from a relaxed point of view as you follow along with this fully guided meditation journey.


The Words Are Energy  26  Video Online Course 

Course Sections

  • From strategy to mindset and energy
  • Everything begins with a thought
  • Work with crystals for throat chakra clearing
  • Say what needs to be said in the nicest possible way
  • Forgiveness through the chakras. A guided meditation journey
  • Worrying about what others might think?
  • Elevator pitches
  • Ease pain and discomfort in the throat, neck and upper shoulder area with a follow along Distant Reiki Healing Video Session
  • Use colour therapy to relieve throat energy
  • Dealing with intimidating people
  • Think before you speak
  • Tame angry words before they come out
  • A brain trick to stop angry thoughts that produce angry words
  • The relaxed version of you guided meditation journey
  • Use positive words to build yourself up
  • Words to water
  • Reiki for communication guided meditation journey
  • Communication with  passed over loved ones (Includes words to flame & my personal experience with Dad)
  • The Burning Technique
  • Primal screams and a punching bag
  • Stiff neck energy
  • Healing unwanted ancestral communication traits


Copyright Kelly Flack