Discounted Block Coupons can be applied to Reiki Training that is held in Gowrie Junction with Kelly Flack. These coupons are handed out during each quarters 1st degree training course because 1st degree is the beginning of each block as you will see below.
In this year of 2022 and beyond, Reiki training is being scheduled in quarterly blocks. If you decide to complete all of your training (1st, 2nd and Master Degrees) within one block (as listed by Kelly), this is where the Discounted Block Coupons can be applied so you get all classes at a 1st degree price! Must be within one block though. Prices have been the same for the past 3 years. Prices will be rising graduallythis year for all degrees!
1st Degree - Saturday January 22nd $285
2nd Degree - Saturday February 26th $285 (Usually $300)
Master Degree - Saturday March 26th $285 (Usually $350)
1st Degree - Saturday 30th April $295
2nd Degree - Saturday 28th May $295 (Usually $320)
Master Degree - Saturday 25th June $295 (Usually $360)
1st Degree - Sunday 24th July $300
2nd Degree - Sunday 28th August $300 (Usually $340)
Master Degree - Sunday 25th September $300 (Usually $360)
1st Degree - Saturday 8th October $320
2nd Degree - Saturday 5th November $320 (Usually $340)
Master Degree - Sunday 4th December $320 (Usually $360)
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