Let's Talk

This offer could start up again in warmer months. If it does I'll let you know on my Facebook page :)

Hi There,

Many of us want to talk about feeling different energies, spiritual stuff, holograms, orbs, seeing things that others wouldn't understand, dimensions, timelines, ancestral healing, ETs and so on. 

This stuff is also known as "Woo Woo" and I say that with humour and open arms. It really is a ride and a half that we're all making our way through. That's why I have created this safe open space. A space where we can  talk freely about what's on our minds without being judged. 

If you have some woo woo that you'd like to get off your chest, come join us. Check out the "Let's Talk" events on my Facebook Business page when and ifthey start up again.

WHEN : To Be Advised. 
WHERE : Gowrie Junction (12 kms from Toowoomba CBD)
COST : $15 cash on the day per person. 
HOW TO BOOK : Please fill out the form below so I can have a chair set up for you.

Help yourself to a cup of tea or coffee and let's talk :) 

Let's Talk

If you have cold or flu symptoms please do not book in. Stay home and get well instead.










Copyright Kelly Flack