The Ultimate Chakra Healing Course is a hands-on learning curriculum designed to connect you with your natural energy healing abilities.
Join Master Energy Healer Kelly Flack on an adventure toward a clear calm mind with heightened intuition, a completely balanced energy for yourself and your loved ones and unshakable connection with your spirit team.
Whether you’re an absolute beginner, have dabbled in energy work before, or just someone looking to unlock the full power of your natural healing ability – you’ll experience life-changing elevations in your spiritual and personal growth as you shatter every inner limitation that has ever dared hold you back.
People that want to use energy healing for personal growth,
calmness of mind, inner peace and self improvement.
Anyone that wants to help themselves, friends, family or clients,
to relieve and release pain, build confidence and gain more
balance and direction in life.
People who are tired of trying one healing modality after another
and not seeing results.
Anyone looking to tap into the power of energy healing without
having to do any guesswork.
Spirit has a sense of humour so smile ;)
Creator of The Ultimate Chakra Energy Healing Course
2017: The online version of the Chakra Energy Healing Online
Course was born :)
2013: Achieved my Reiki Master Degree and began
healing at local events and expos
2009: Realised the real potential behind the power
of the mind and worked it full force!
2006: Began my climb from "Rock Bottom" of alcoholism and unhealthy
thoughts because I knew sure as heck that I wasn't gonna be staying there!
A Testimonial By Jeanette Richardson
This module is about preparing yourself for healing and removing the
negative blocks from your mind to bring maximum balance to your life.
You're going to eliminate your doubts about energy healing so you have
a clear open channel to start healing yourself and others.
I'll help you pick the perfect crystal for your healing needs and I show you exactly how to achieve this with detailed video tutorials.
You'll discover the one word that will destroy your negative thoughts so
you start healing naturally and eliminate pain from your life.
You'll turn your negative thoughts into positive beliefs to quickly take
control of your own health and start living a pain-free life today.
I'll show you how to call spirit guides to keep your thoughts calm and collected and develop your ability to heal other people using energy.
Plus you'll also get The Positivity Booster an exercise designed to eradicate mind chatter and bring positivity & peace into your life.
This module covers everything you need about your chakras for you to understand the healing process and remove pain from your life.
I'll walk you through exactly how to use a crystal pendulum to recognise areas that need healing so you know exactly where to place your hands.
I'll help you take control of your mind health energy to live a pain-free life.
You'll find the sources of pain with X-ray Accuracy so you know exactly where to target healing energy for healing purposes.
You'll get my Energy Scanner, a handbook designed to have accurate and reliable guidance to easily get rid of any pain even if you are a novice.
You'll develop the skills to heal others even if they have chronic pain.
I'll personally show you how to analyse other people's chakras and find blocked energy which will instantly increase your skills as a healer.
You'll use Crystal Energy Healing, specifically designed to heal your loved ones even if they don't believe in energy healing.
A Testimonial By Michelle Lloyd
This module will show you how to bring balance to chakras and remove negative energy to realise better health for yourself and others.
You'll get my Chakra Masterkey to unblock another person's chakras so you can offer relief to anyone who is in pain instantly when it's for their highest will and good
I'll show you 6+ Negativity Detox Strategies to clear negative energy from your body and home to bring peace and harmony back into the homestead.
You'll get my Energy Balance tool designed to keep your energy flow positive at all times so you can live pain-free even in times of stress.
You'll learn how to clear other people's negativity and maintain inner balance to safely heal your loved ones.
You'll learn The 4 Hand Positions needed to tune into past present or future experiences to help loved ones heal from them or aspire toward them.
You'll master Positive Energy Flows to give you the courage and confidence to live a happier, exciting life.
In this module we cover all of the ways you can support your chakras to live with health and balance and improve your quality of life.
You'll discover deeper meanings of The 98+ Symptoms that could be causing you pain and need to be healed for you to bring balance to your life.
You'll discover the 7 different ways colour can support your chakras.
I'll show you the best practises to always stay happy and pain-free the natural way, even if you suffer from chronic pain.
You'll raise your own energy and become the best version of yourself using over 70+ Powerful Targeted Chakra Affirmations.
You'll use a simple Visualisation Ritual to boost healing energy in just 2 minutes for you to get control of your own health or help others faster.
I'll show you the best food to nourish spiritual energy so you always have the strength to overcome even the worst challenges in life.
A Testimonial By Tam Reid
To Ensure You Are 100% Successful
Support is available via the Private Facebook Community Group.
You'll always have access to me to solve any Energy Healing question to make sure you continuously build confidence in your energy healing abilities and spirit team connections.
You will get the "AVALANCHE" video system which explains what you need to break through in your mind to be able to use chakra energy healing effectively
Breakthrough lack of focus during energy healing and know exactly what to do when your mind starts wandering.
Build your self belief and break through lack of confidence and negativity of others to be able to trust yourself when it comes to healing with energy.
No longer use "no time" or "I'm too busy" as excuses to not heal! If you put yourself to bed at night, you CAN use energy healing.
Get my "Frequently Asked Questions Vault" a compilation of videos of every question I've ever been asked about the course with my answers.
You'll discover 1 simple word to use to get rid of negative self talk in an instant! So you can start healing others and live happy.
Be able to calm your "monkey mind" as you simply follow along to a guided video "The Park bench Technique"
And I know there are different strokes for different folks so I have also included "The Cat and Mouse Technique"
You will connect with your Spirit Guides and use Energy Healing to calm your mind. I'm going to show you exactly how to achieve this and I leave nothing out!
You will also be able to download a fully guided visualisation meditation audio mp3 to use entitled "Thought Awareness, Allowing and Letting Go"
Never doubt your connection, your hand positions or what to do next because I've included everything!
When time comes to call your guides to you for help with energy healing work, you simply play the video for that lesson, and repeat the words after me.
To check another persons chakras you play the video and literally follow along with me while your client/volunteer is in the room as you check and record their chakra results.
Discover how to give yourself a full body Chakra Balance and you can do this any time as you listen to the "Fully Guided Self Chakra Balance" downloadable mp3 audio.
I also include a Chakra Balance Follow Along Video that will literally guide you with hand positions to clear and balance as you perform a chakra balance on your family member or client.
A Testimonial By Sandra Sargent
If you're ready to get started click :
To purchase the Unlock Your Inner Healer Course click the green Buy Now button and then open your shopping bag that will appear at bottom right of your screen to continue with your purchase
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