You might come across me sending protection symbols through to you in a live video on Facebook every now and then. In this instance, to save you time, before I turn the camera on, I connect with my Spirit Team and Reiki Guides, I set the directions that whoever wishes to receive these symbols of protection for their highest will and good, please watch and receive them now. People can become attuned to these symbols in 2nd degree reiki training.
Here's a video of how the symbols work for protection. They're really quite amazing!
So when ever you see these videos appear on my Facebook page, in the video I'll ask you to stand up and face your device if you want to receive the symbols. My team and I send through the power symbol, Cho Ku Rei followed by the mental/emotional symbol, Sei Hei Ki, and sealed in with the power symbol again. Next I ask you to turn around so your back is to the device and my team and I send the symbols through again so you are covered, front and back, with protection. These symbols work for your highest will and good (Reiki always does).
There is so much energy coming to the surface in people right now - in our class rooms, in our work places, in our homes, on the streets . . . . . . and most of the time we can be in a protective energy from all of the "heaviness". If you're open to receiving these protection symbols, like and follow my Facebook page :) It's that easy!
If you receive the symbols, please simply give a LOVE or LIKE on the live video for an energy exchange. Thank you so much.
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