So You're Ready To Take The Next Step . . . AWESOME! Please fill out and submit the application form below
So, you're interested in teaching at a retreat? I just need some information to get the application process started.
First and Last Names
Click to enter an email address
I hate to be rude but are you over 18 years of age? Prospective teachers must be at least 18 years old
Tell me a little bit about what you do
And how long have you been doing this for?
What specifically would you like to teach at a retreat? Keep in mind that your duration to teach would be between one and two hours. (possibly three if necessary) Please add as much detail as possible
Have you ever taught a group of people before? If not, I can arrange an ice breaker for you where you will be able to talk in front of a small group of people. :) It will be well worth it and can only add to your personal growth.
Let's say you taught or shared your topic with a group of people . . . what would they be able to take home with them after your time with them? Will you teach them techniques they can use at home, give a handout with something of value, steps that they can take to improve their lives, a physical product that you have given to them or taught them how to make for themselves . . . ? etc Please be as detailed as possible
Most retreats would run from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. However, we could put together a week long retreat as well. Which days to work would suit you best? I understand these days can change. It's just giving me some idea for the time being. Choose as many days as you like.
During what times would suit you best too teach of share your topic? You are invited to simply turn up and teach at a certain time for at least one hour. However, I encourage you to stay for the day that you teach and take advantage of other teachers topics as well. We are all a work in progress. (I know these times could change too. It's just a rough estimate to work with at the moment) Choose as many as you like.
I understand that some teachers would need to teach at a specific time due to their topic. If this is you, what specific time would you need to teach at and why? For example, if you teach star gazing you might need a specific time in the night for this to happen
How long would you be comfortable teaching or sharing your topic for? Please choose a time between 1 - 3 hours maximum. Participants will also need alone time for rest and reflection so the day will not be go, go go. Research has shown that little bursts of teaching throughout a retreat day would be better. This is also beneficial for the mindset to be able to absorb what it has been given.
On a scale of 1 to 6 (6 being the best), how would you rate yourself on your ability to ...
... teach or share in front of a group of up to 20 people?
... stay positive under pressure?
... proactively reach out and help others?
... be on time every time?
... get things done efficiently?
If you are selected, are you willing to do the following? Check only those, that you are willing to do
Future Retreats could be held at the following locations. Which areas would suit you best?
If you have a website or Facebook page, please add links to them below
Thanks for answering the questions. If you have anything else you would like to add, please do so now
What's the best phone number I can reach you on?
Please allow up to 48 hours before I contact you with more information. Wishing you a brilliant Now and success in all that you do!
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