January 25th 2020 - Saturday - The dodgy scales say I'm 93kg (Quite surprised, I thought I was 97kg so thats a great start)
Blood Sugar Level 9.9 (Yikes! Must be due to the chocolate ice-cream and cake I devoured unconsciously as I vegged out watching last nights movie) BSL was taken before breakfast, as usual.
In 2018 I was diagnosed as being Type 2 Diabetic. I did everything the doctors and diabetic educator told me but just didn't like what they were suggesting. I researched keto, had a go and lost 10kg but I didn't make it my lifestyle. I got too scared of the high fat content and my doctor reminding me of heart attacks. OMG! If only they had something positive to say. Even though I didn't believe the doc, something still didn't sit quite right with me.
I have been on keto since the beginning of this year (because it works) but I still feel something is missing. I have lost weight with keto before but I feel that I need to do something completely different. So here I am . . .
. . . about to start with The Cinderella Solution where I am to use flavour pairing rituals that will help me to shed weight in a way like never before. (rolls eyes)
But guess what the skeptical me has discovered today?
It's been one week and the scales are telling my that I've lost 4 kgs.
February 1st 2020 - Saturday - 89kgs
Blood Sugar Level
BSL was in the 7.4 range most of the week which was amazing!
I don't trust our scales though. I'll weigh in next week using something different I think and I'll keep track of it toward the end of this page.
This is Carly after she lost the weight.
Check out her amazing flavour pairing ritual story and her "Cinderella Solution"
The best thing I like about Carly is that she shares her own story, talks on the videos, writes the books and has used everything she teaches, on herself first! #Inspiration
As you can see I'm certainly not starving myself :) Delicious food that keeps me full! BUT, Carly has taught me
The bonus part is
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