With this chakra, its important to FEEL your feelings. Not being able to feel our emotions and feelings fully, can create blocks in our sacral chakra energy. This can impact on our creativity and relationships. This chakra also includes energies of isolation, infertility, inner conflict. This chakra governs the sex and urinary organs, kidneys, circulation and reproductive organs. This course will help you to get all of that energy flowing with ease as you release blocks.

By the end of this course, you will know how to :

  • Stop negative thoughts in their tracks
  • Crystals for sacral chakra healing
  • Working with childhood energy
  • Meditation : Caring for your inner child
  • How to observe heavy energy from others before deciding your next move
  • Release stuck feelings and emotions from sacral
  • Unleash your creative genius
  • Meditation : Letting go and Allowing in 
  • Change the way you look at specific people in your life 
  • You can't change people but you can do this
  • Meditation : Direct with love
  • Easily remove any negative energy that you could pick up from others on a daily basis
  • Ease pain in the lower abdomen and mid-lower back with a follow along distant reiki healing session
  • Colour therapy
  • Have healthier and happier relationships at work, home and school
  • Meditation : Radiating love energy to family and friends
  • No longer allow yourself to be intimidated and used by other people regardless of hey are family or not
  • Meditation : Reiki for relationships


This course is suitable for people that are willing to take action. Some of the lessons will take only 10 minutes to complete. Some can take up to 30 minutes. Actions can be spread out over a number of days or weeks if you choose. Go at your own pace.

All actions in this course are associated with keeping the sacralchakra energy healing and flowing to it's best ability. More lessons could be added to the course over time at no extra cost.

Low price. No refunds due to the digital nature of this course. Access to the entire course is delivered immediately. 

***Please note that this course in NO way substitutes medical advice. If you are in chronic pain anywhere in your body, seek medical help. 



Not ready to take little actions  to help your sacralchakra energy just yet?
The Chakra Info Series is also here for you for absolutely free. CLICK HERE  and take a look.



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Copyright Kelly Flack