Need to bring more harmony into your relationships? Here's a free session for you. Let me explain.
We all have energy centres in our body. These are also known as "Chakras". The sacral chakra relates to our relationships, feelings, emotions, creativity and projects (just to name a few).
When we have negative thoughts around relationships (delete), we are putting energy blocks in our sacral chakra centre. Same goes for bad thoughts around our creativity or not being able to express our feelings and emotions. We'll get more into that as we go along as well. Blocked sacral chakra energies can bring about aches and pain in our lower abdomen. When energy flows, pain goes!
I invite you to take less than ten minutes now, to relax as you follow along with this beautiful distant reiki healing session to get your sacral chakra energies flowing with ease. Use this video as often as you like. Enjoy xo
Do even more work with your root chakra energies.
Copyright Kelly Flack
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