Frequency Healing

Here I go again (using myself as a guinea pig) with Spooky2 frequency healing products aka "Rifing". I will be adding posts of my journey with links (so I can refer back to them as well as I learn and grow with this) and I hope you'll enjoy following along and maybe even purchasing a kit for yourself or who knows, maybe I'll end up giving sessions. Let's see where this leads us :)
Frequency healing for loads of ailments from kidneys to skin, from chakras to the hair on your head and making your very own colloidal silver! It covers thousands of frequencies for thousands of treatments and the reviews are off this planet! You can scroll down to "Spooky2 Database" on this link and take a look at all of the programs that this system can work on.
The Spooky2 Rife System is easy to run and is designed to be totally controlled by the software. I know, sounds techy right, but hey if I can do it, so can you (plus it's actually easy and I've added the steps and links below) Spooky2 software can be used from a Windows PC. If you've never heard of Spooky2 before CLICK HERE and learn more. Feel free to follow #myfrequencyjourney below.
Getting it Set Up
On Windows PC, downloading the software was easy (see link below) I had to first learn how to stop my computer from entering SLEEP mode because that could stop the software from running and ultimately, interfere with the frequencies. On my Windows laptop, I went to Control Panel --> Power Options --> Change when the PC sleeps and I clicked NEVER and saved the new setting.
As mentioned earlier, the Spooky2 Rife System is designed to be totally controlled by the software. There is no need to touch any of the buttons or dials on the generator itself.
Start With Terrain Protocol
It is recommended that first time users begin with running the Terrain Protocol. This helps the body detox by flushing out toxins, heavy metals and more, so that we can be more open to receiving the rife frequencies. I have journaled my experiences with this below.
Drink plenty of water to help the body flush all of this out. If the detox becomes too much and triggers cold, flu, aches, pains or other reactions, it's okay to pause or stop the generator to give the body time to flush out what the frequencies are helping to remove from the body. This is where plenty of water comes in!
Hey friend, enjoy 5% off!
Here are the presets for terrain protocol. They are PRE SET so they appear automatically :)
Preset 1, Day 1 – 1. Remove Metals
Preset 2, Day 2 – 2. Remove Metals
Preset 3, Day 3 – 3. Remove Chemical Materials
Preset 4, Day 4 – 4. Remove Systemic Toxins 1
Preset 5, Day 5 – 5. Remove Systemic Toxins 2
Preset 6, Day 6 – 6.1 Remove Intestinal Toxins
Preset 7, Day 6 – 6.2 Remove Systemic Toxins 3
Preset 8, Day 7 – 7. Parasites and Liver Function
Preset 9, Day 8 – 8. Kidney Function 1
Preset 10, Day 9 – 9.1 Kidney Function 2
Preset 11, Day 9 – 9.2 Cleanse Blood
Preset 12, Day 10 – 10.1 Kidney and Liver Toxins
Preset 13, Day 10 – 10.2 Intestinal Parasites
Preset 14, Day 11 – 11.1 Lymphatic System 1
Preset 15, Day 11 – 11.2 Lymphatic System 2
How to Connect and Run A Generator
The "How to connect and run a generator" video also shows you how to download Spooky2 software and what to click to run terrain for the very first time.
I have put one fingernail of mine and one of Pete's into the Spooky remote. The fingernails are individually placed between the sticky dots with our initials on it.
I'm running low power terrain 1V (R) since this is our very first time detoxing. This is 1/5th of the full power of Terrain Protocol. We'll stick with this for 11 days and see how our bodies respond to the detoxing.
For the low power terrain I went to Presets tab and then - Detox - Remote - Terrain low power (also click the GUIDE low power terrain Read me PDF to understand it). After I read that I decided to go with 1/5th of full power so I clicked on Terrain 1V (R) - BY and started running that program for 11 days :)
Peace of mind knowing that we can pause the generator if either of us need a break from the detoxing. So far terrain 1V (R) - BY has been running for 29 hours. I must admit, I had a great sleep last night, got only one small pressure type headache yesterday (I never get headaches) and the taste buds go weird for a minute or so every now and then. Not often though. Fascinating. Will keep you posted.
My Journey With Terrain Protocol
Day 1 (12th June 2023) 7.43 am started on Terrain Protocol at 1/5th amplitude using (R) which means Remote. Day 1 is "Remove metals"
I went to Presets tab - Detox - Remote - Terrain low power - Terrain 1V (R) - BY
When you click Terrain low power, also click the GUIDE low power terrain Read me PDF to understand it
So cool. I put mine and hubby's fingernails in remote this morning and decided to run low power terrain protocol for both of us (since we've never detoxed before, everrrr! Driving to the shop this morning I thought to myself "here I am driving while my body is detoxing from heavy metals". How cool is that After 11 days on low power terrain (1/5th of full power), I will run it again on full if we respond well the 1st time around. So far, just really thirsty so am drinking lots of water. #feelinggood
Day 2 was much the same as day 1 . I'll only post a specific day if something "different" happens.
Day 3 "Remove chemical materials". I slept in until 8.20am this morning. That's not like me. Body must have needed it. With todays frequencies I feel irritated and tired. Did some work outside and felt like vomiting (just briefly but didn't). A little nauseous. It's 2pm and off for a shower and pyjamas to chill out on the recliner by the fire with a movie and a loads of water. #BeingNiceToMe
Day 4 "Remove systemic toxins1". Feeling good with this new frequency. Releasing toxins at a nice pace. #CruisyDay Having a break over the weekend though so will pause the generator at around 7.43am so I know where to start from again when we resume.
Day 5 (16th June 2023) I paused detox software and generator for the weekend as we went away for a few days and I didn't want the frequencies running in case it was one that we couldn't handle. Even though it's running on remote DNA I still want to be near the generators and software just in case I need to pause it or stop it for some reason or other.
Day 5 (19th June 2023) of running low power terrain. I had to learn How to resume terrain if you need to pause or stop it for a while. So I clicked that link and followed the instructions step by step. It worked well and hubby and I were back in terrain mode for day 5 :) It's a big learning curve with this tech but when I find the right set of directions it's easy to follow.
26th June 2023 Pete and I went through low power terrain quite easily. Now, with new fingernails (DNA) in the remote, we've started full terrain. If anything unusual comes about I'll certainly blog it below. Otherwise, let's see what unfolds. Our adult children started on full terrain yesterday so they're a day ahead of us. Exciting because after this we can do a BFB (Biofeedback scan) to see what frequencies our bodies might need for specific healing. I'll get into that next but first . . . here's to 11 days of detox via frequency on full power terrain protocol :)
7th July 2023. We finished full power terrain detox. It was easier than I thought it would be. Somewhere in the beginning of terrain, I had sharp pains at the bottom right side of tummy, just below the ribs. It would feel like a stabbing pain just for a few seconds and then it would stop for about 20 seconds and then go again for a few seconds. This would continue for a minute or two and then completely stop for a few hours and then it would come back again. Fascinating. This only lasted for a day. Other than that, I felt a little dizzy on one day and a bit nauseous on another day but everything else was smooth sailing. Now that's done my next step is to do a BFB (bio feedback scan) to see what frequencies my body needs. When I figure out how to get this set up I'll share it in another blog below :)
Follow me on Facebook to keep up to date with these updates :)
How to Add New Generators to Running Software
On 19th June 2023 for the first time ever, some of the varicose veins in my right leg started throbbing. It was really uncomfortable and I didn't sleep well at all.
I decided the next day to run a program for varicose veins. If you're about to add a 2nd generator to software that is already running (Pete and I are sill on low power terrain running on the 1st gen), then please watch the video AND ADD THIS STEP THAT I'LL MENTION BELOW because it wasn't in the video and it did my head in! LOL something sooo simple!
In the video at the 1 minute 50 second mark when she goes to the Programs tab and she chooses abdominal pain . . . CLICK ABDOMINAL PAIN TWICE so it appears in the "loaded programs" box at the bottom left of screen. Told you it was easy. I couldn't understand why my program wasn't loading and it was all because I didn't click it twice! OMGosh hahaha. Gotta have a laugh.
I chose the "Varicose Veins" program so choose any program you want to run after detox. (I couldn't wait so I'm running detox and veins). You can choose a program on the programs tab by typing your ailment in the search bar at top left and clicking the search (magnifying glass) button.
As soon as I started running the Varicose veins program, my right leg stopped throbbing and I had an awesome nights sleep. I'll keep running it throughout our low power terrain. I have seen other varicose programs that I'd rather run but I need to download another thing and I'll just stick with what I've got for this month anyway because now our kids want to jump in on our full terrain run which will start next Monday :) Wow! Look at us go!
Bio Feedback Scans (BFB)
10th July 2023. I've been looking forward to this part. I have found some links to videos that I will follow along with to get myself set up.
How to do a BFB full system body scan using Gen XM. I'll be scanning my body using tens pads and Spooky Pulse as in the video (finger pulse as I have earrings so won't use the ear connection)
I'm really not interested in the reverse lookup at this point in time but here's how to do it for future reference.
After my scan I'll start running the BFB results as I follow this video. This part is what confuses me because after all of the posts I have read about running Killing presets, many say that a detox should be run at the same time. Since I have 2 gens, I just might put a finger nail in the second one and run detox maintenance while the BFB results run on the 1st gen. I'll run it 24/7 for 7 days and see how I go.
My Journey With BFB
10th July 2023. After taking hours to find the right videos to guide me (as above) I can finally get started. I feel a bit nervous but also excited. Since I'm using the generator XM I'll have to lie down for about an hour for the system to run frequencies to get the results that my body needs for healing. Here goes . . .
After I saved my results as explained in the video above, on the presets tab I go to
Shell (empty) presets - Remote - Killing (R) JW then I go to the programs tab and type in the search bar to find my results that I named "BFB Kelly Date" - double click that so it loads into the loaded programs box at bottom left of screen.
Then go to Control tab, tick "Overwrite Generator" - choose the generator button and click START to enjoy my treatment :)
8 hours into running the results from my BFB I felt really nauseous. Before bed I paused the generator so my body could rest for the night and not be running on "killing pathogens" mode. I remember my lower abdomen felt like a fluttering sensation even after I had turned off the machine. (No, I'm not pregnant lol) Something shifting perhaps. I found it interesting being aware of my body in this way.
11th July 2023. I had a good sleep. Woke this morning feeling better so I have un paused the program and will run it all day and turn it off at night since I don't have a detox program to run with it yet. Apparently when you run a "Killing" preset, you should be running a detox with it as well so as not to get Herx reactions.
13th July 2023. I learned how to install the missing detox maintenance program to my Spooky2 software. Simply click which update is needed from this link and the laptop takes you through the installation process. Anyway, now that I have that in place I am running the "detox maintenance" with mine, hubbys and the girls DNA and that will run 24/7 until Monday and on the other generator I am running my BFB with my own DNA in remote. Eeeek! It's all happening anow :)
17th July 2023. That was easy. I only felt nauseous a couple of times but it was manageable with detox running on the 2nd generator. For the Detox Maintenance I went to Preset tab - Detox - Remote - Detox Maintenance (R) JK - Control tab - tick overwrite generator - Choose generator - start. I've just done a BFB scan on hubby so now he's having his results run while the rest of us (and him) are in another remote on detox only. Very cool. I think I'm getting the hang of this :)
DH Experimental Frequencies
Before running DH (David Halliday's) Experimental Frequencies I read the PDF first and it says we need to run presets 1 - 6 before starting any of Davids other frequencies.
First I clicked DH Experimental Frequencies (as in image 1)
I then read both of the pdfs and clicked on Remote (as in image 2)
Image 3 is a snippet of the 40 page pdf telling us to run presets 1-6 first
Then I clicked on 0001 Spiritual Wellbeing (R) and started running this preset for 24 hours.
I have chosen to run each of the required 6 presets for approximately 24 hours. I'll change it over to the next one on the list each morning when I wake. There are 5 of us with DNA over 2 remotes going through these frequencies all together and if any of my family need a break from the frequencies they know to give me a call and I'll pause it until they feel better. We started with DH yesterday on 24th July 2023. So far one of the fam has felt super tired but she said to keep it going. This morning we're on Combined 7 Chakras and Meridians so we'll see what unfolds :) Follow my Facebook page for more updates as they happen.