Mindset and Chakra  Energy Elevation

The Mindset and Energy Elevation Workshops relate to your physical nature with mindset, and your spiritual aspects with energy. Combining your physical mind with your spiritual energy can bring about exponential change across all elements of your being; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  

This program is for people that want to be able to bring a complete balance to their physical, emotional and spiritual experiences around relationships, health, money and self.



Self care begins with the mastery of your thoughts. 
Taking control of your thoughts means taking control of what you can do with your life. 

The Mindset Program

Click on the prompts below for more information

What You Will Learn During This Mindset Program

  • Take a closer look at your own thought patterns and beliefs and break through the ones that no longer serve you
  • Use a technique that will allow you to calm any mind chatter within minutes
  • Shift perspective to ease worry, tension and stress from the mind
  • Lay strong positive foundations for a new empowered mindset that you will begin building with easy-to-use strategies from this program

  • Identify and change negative dominant thought patterns around:
  • your health and self talk
  • relationships with family, neighbours, friends, private life and business life
  • finances, work and living arrangements

  • Bring awareness to your Inner Guidance system and use it wisely
  • Create body language and conscious conversations to gently get yourself into confidence mode
  • Understand the power of asking good questions. There is a big difference!
  • Discover what you want in life and align with it

By The End Of This Program You Will:

  • Be able to use your mindset to improve your relationships with partners, work colleagues, parents, children and the next door neighbours
  • Use your inner passion to start creating a life that you are excited about
  • Effectively stop negative thoughts in their tracks
  • Have a complete positive vision board developed that moves your energy toward it

  • Confidently and clearly be able to express yourself to others in any situation
  • Learn the Number One most effective method of neural pathway stimulation and ultimate positive growth
  • Create new habits around your health, your relationships and your money
  • Move yourself forward by making empowered decisions about the outcomes of your life
  • Vibrationally align yourself with the health, relationships and finances that you want to experience in your lifetime

Extras and Ongoing Support:

  • The Positive Mindset print outs and worksheets
  • Thought Awareness guided meditation mp3 audio download
  • 'Mindset On Track' 10 day follow - up "get it done - kick in the butt"support system
  • Private encouraging and inspiring Online Community for life

"Prior to joining this Mindset Program, I was not sure where to start. Lost track a bit. Since the program, I now have a much better frame of mind, quietened the not so good mind chatter, seeing clearer, positive and happy and am more aware of how powerful the mind is with intention. I highly recommend this program. The content, the follow up support and guidance from Kelly is awesome. Thank you for your time and effort. Love it! Cant wait to see what doors open" - Lisa B, Oakey



Energy flows where attention goes so by taking control of your thoughts, you are taking control of your energy. Becoming aware of energetic blocks or imbalances within your body and your life, allows you to be able to take complete control of your outcomes by shifting energy, shifting thought and getting yourself back on track when ever the need arises. You have the power to bring balance to your body and to  your life!


The Energy Program

Click on the prompts below for more information

What You Will Learn During This Energy Program

  • Discover how your thought connects to your bodys energy centres which in turn, can affect your physical body and your external life reality as well!
  • Gently build up your intuition to be able to feel, sense or 'see' chakra energy for yourself
  • Get to know your personal chakras on a more intimate level and start working with them on purpose
  • Pinpoint any heavy energy within yourself such as anxiety, depression, anger, jealousy, low self esteem, self sabotage etc

  • Understand your dominant thought patterns around these feelings (and I help you through this process)
  • Realise how these feelings can be affecting your physical body. When you realise what your emotions can do to your body, you have the power to change that!
  • Discover how these same emotions are also bringing about difficulty into your external reality as well (awareness is key and I help you every step of the way)
  • Begin using the power of affirmations to shift the heaviness of any negative energy

  • Come face to face with yourself and allow yourself to "let go"
  • Cut energy cords that others may have hooked into you (this is a spiritual practise that works on a physical level)
  • Easily be able to clear your room and your home of any heavy negative energy
  • Use the earth for grounding yourself and to release negativity and stagnation
  • Clear imbalanced energy such as anxiety and depression, from your bodys energy centres also known as "chakras"
  • Work with the high vibrational energy of crystals to be able to check chakra energy
  • Tune into the Higher Energy of Your Self (and yes! You DO have it!) and be able to recharge yourself when ever you feel the need

By The End Of This Program You Will:

  • Be armed with the knowledge and the tools to be able to protect your energy field from outer negative persuasions
  • Realise that any pain in your body, is a direct result of a dominant thought and you will have the tools to be able to shift thought to release pain
  • Effectively stop negative thoughts in their tracks
  • Consciously work with your personal energy and know exactly how to work through emotions without dwelling on them

  • Confidently and clearly be able to express yourself to others in any situation
  • Know how to use a crystal to read chakra energy
  • Call in your spirt team and work with them
  • Move yourself forward by making empowered decisions about the outcomes of your life
  • Remove, clear and bring balance to your seven main chakras
  • Remove, clear and bring balance to the seven main chakras of another person. This is an exceptional ability to be able help family and friends in this way

Extras and Ongoing Support:

  • Fully Guided Chakra Balance mp3 Audio
  • Video tips to cancel negative thought energy
  • Private Online Community Access where we practice online energy work and help each other with healing support
  • Monthly Healing Gathering Events in Toowoomba and online for life to help you build confidence in your energy healing skills. Just because the program finishes, doesn't mean everything ends. This is just the beginning!





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Hi Kelly, Thank you for your Energy program and your hospitality for the day.  It was very amazing, and has given me some really useful strategies.  Thank you for sharing your passion.  It truly is infectious.  I know I have a lot of growing to do, now I have much clearer picture of where I need to grow and also, most importantly HOW I need to grow.

I call you the psychologist for smart people, and I stand by it.  Thank you. ~ Kind Regards, Denise P (Toowoomba, QLD)

It was absolutely amazing meeting you! To be Completely honest, participating in your program is the best thing I have ever done for myself.  Since doing your Mindset Program and talking about the way we think about life, I am looking at the world & "things" differently.

I have really put into practice everything you taught us about being positive (energy goes where attention flows - I think that's right, right? Lol ) and I have found that I am so happy. I mean, I thought I was happy before.... but this is a whole new level!  I'm feeling better than ever! - Kind Regards, Michelle. L (Seven Hills, NSW)

The Energy Program was great! I really loved the feeling of the energy pulling on the crystal during the chakra check.

And, the strong feeling that I wasn't alone. I couldn't explain it at the time, but now I believe there was a presence with me, wether it was one of my protecting angels, or someone from the other side. I can't wait until I can actually get messages from them. I just need to stop and listen. Big hugs, miss you all xx - Sandra S (Seven Hills, NSW) 

"Before learning about your Mindset Program, I was in a very bad place, my thinking was negative a lot of the time, and I was stagnating.I had to step out of my comfort zone to even attend and I am so glad I did, as I met some of the loveliest people. Not once did anyone not make me feel welcome. My whole outlook on life and people is changing, I am thinking much more positive now, still a work in progress, this program has got me on the right track. I have learned a lot, and I feel I am more aware of my thoughts. This journey with you Kelly has been amazing!"  ~ Sharon D. Toowoomba 


Elevate Your Mindset & Energy
To Alter Your Life Experiences Today!



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