Mothers Day Special  2022


Treat Mum with a Relaxation Indulgence Package.
This includes . . .

  • Kansa wand jojoba oil facial massage to soften skin and improve circulation
  • Reiki Energy Healing includes any messages that could come through from Spirit

  • Crystal Therapy involves crystals being placed on or around the body to bring it back into a harmonious balance

  • Sound therapy with medicine drum, koshi chimes, rattles, rainstick

  • Oracle Energy Card Draw so Mum can see where her energy is, at this point in time

Special Price $80 (SAVE $40) for approximately 75 mins (Usually valued at $120). To be used between 8th - 22nd of May 2022 :)

This offer expires 5pm May 15th 2022

To purchase this Gift for Mum simply click here and send Kelly a message via Facebook  :)  I'll email you through a Gift Voucher that you can print out and hand to Mum on Mothers Day :) 



Gift Vouchers Available




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Copyright Kelly Flack