Someone threw down their weapon today.
They said "no more", and walked away.
A tear was shed and a smile was had
As the person said quietly, "no more bad"
This happened eight thousand miles away,
As I sat in my home on this warm Summers day
And I sent out an energy, born of pure love
From Australia to Israel, through heavens above.
Someone threw down their weapon today,
As vibrational energies flowed their way
And they opened their eyes and they felt with their heart
And decided today, they would make a new start
And this person, though eight thousand miles away,
Touched another with beautiful words he did say:
"A thought I just had said theres no need to fight
I've been told I must shoot and it doesn't feel right
So I'm walking away from this blood and this fear
And I hope you will join me right now, right here"
And he held out his hand for the person to take
They gazed at each other as around them did shake
And the second man saw in his good friends eyes
That the killings bred only more hate and more lies
So another gun fell as the two men held hands
And they smiled and nodded, their actions felt grand
Then ANOTHER man saw them, the message was shared
From one man to another, all life must be spared
Regardless of where you might live on this Earth
A vibration of Love helps us realise our worth
We are brothers and sisters that may be worlds apart
May we step into Love and ALL live from the Heart
Do what "feels" good, live a passionate life
Put your focus on joy, not on worry or strife
From the hearts in the Earth, from my Soul and above
From Australia, I send you, Dear Reader - Much Love
~ One Love
Written by Kelly Flack on 18th November 2012
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