So much to 'feel'. So much to love. Beautiful words dance across a page that brings tears to ones eyes. A rememberance, perhaps of another time, another world, another journey.
The soul. What a way to remember. Gentle 'nudges' from within that call to your Inner Knowing - that tug of a heart string from eons ago. I remember you.
You are The Strong One. You are The One That Knows. The One that wipes away my tears from this human experience and The One that embraces All that I do.
Every step. Every word. Every thought. Every action. Every inaction. Every silence. Every wrong doing and every fork in the road. You are The One that has lead me to where I am now.
You are always here, with me. You do not judge me. You simply smile as together, we grow. I remember you
You are The Strong One. I look in the mirror; I 'see' you. Yes. The Strong One. I Am
Written by Kelly Flack on 5th May 2015
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