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We will meet at 3pm at the "Big Hand" which is marked by a pink X on the map below. You can see an image of the big hand in the posts here.
The main house where we will be holding the retreat is at "Silky Oaks". This home is number 31 on the accommodation map below. Since it is in a gated area we will all drive in together :)
For a more detailed description of how to get to the Bunya Mountains please CLICK HERE
1st Degree Training :
2nd Degree Training :
with check in and check out times
3.00pm - Meet at "The Big Hand"
When we are all together, we can drive through the gates and up to Silky Oaks
Check out the house, settle in to your rooms, get comfortable.
4pm - Introduction to Reiki with an opening circle, acknowledgements and introductions to each other. Let us know a little bit about yourself, why you have decided to do Reiki and what you plan on using it for (self, fam, pets, business etc)
After that, the rest of the evening will consist of crystals, Reikiattunements, dinner, energy openers to clear and wind down for our first night. Chats by the fire before bed.
7.00am - Energy Openers (15 minutes) If you're not a morning person, this can also be done in pyjamas :) Happy days.
Everyone has different times of preference to eat. This is a good time to have breakfast if you're a early eater or we'll break again around 10am if you prefer to break fast a little later. Early morning can also be a good time to feed the birds. I'll bring theseed.
The following times are guesstimates for this day
8.30am - 1st Degree Training begins. This consists of theory with a lot of practical hands-on work throughout the day.
10.00am - 30 mins Break. Another great time to break fast if you didn't earlier.
10.30am - Training continues
12.30pm - Your time for Lunch and Self
1.30pm - Continue with training
3.30pm - Bunya Pines healing connections followed by a quick break
4.00pm - Training continues
When we have completed our training for today, have dinner at your leisure. Showers, wind down time. Chats by the fire. Relax and sleep well.
7.30am - Energy Openers (15 minutes) Just like yesterday, if you're not a morning person, this can also be done in pyjamas :)
This is a good time to have breakfast if you're a early eater. Keep in mind that we are heading to the cafe for an earlyish lunch today.
The following times are guesstimates for this day
8.30am - 2nd Degree Reiki Attunements
9.00am - 2nd Degree Training begins. This consists of theory with a lot of practical hands-on work throughout the day.
11.00am - Drive down to the cafe for lunch followed by a walk to the strangler fig.
12.30pm - Return to Silky Oaks where training continues
2.30pm - Head outside for distant Reiki to wallabies and wildlife followed by a quick break
3.00pm - Training continues
When we have completed our training for today, have dinner at your leisure. Showers, wind down time. Chats by the fire. Relax and sleep well.
It's check out day.
7.00am Energy Openers (15 minutes)
7.15am Chair Reiki
7.45am Breakfast and birds on the deck.
8.00am Final chats, questions and answers, next steps to take. Closing circle.
Please make sure you leave your area tidy and we must all vacate the premises by 10am.
Safe trip home everyone :) See you in our private online community groups for further training and meet up dates!
End of itinerary. Thank you.
If you have any further questions simply reply to the email that I sent you x - Kelly. See you soon :)
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