It was absolutely amazing meeting you! To be Completely honest, participating in your program is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Since doing your Mindset Programand talking about the way we think about life, I am looking at the world & "things" differently.
I have really put into practice everything you taught us about being positive (energy goes where attention flows - I think that's right, right? Lol ) and I have found that I am so happy. I mean, I thought I was happy before.... but this is a whole new level! I have always tried to be a positive person.
You have the gift of speaking well kel. The way you explained/ran your program was really captivating and I had an absolutely fantastic time!! Thanks once again kel, I'm feeling better than ever! You must change so many lives :) Keep up the great work!!
Kind Regards, Michelle. L (Seven Hills, NSW)
"Prior to joining this Mindset Program, I was not sure where to start. Lost track a bit.
Since the program, I now have a much better frame of mind, quietened the not so good mind chatter, seeing clearer, positive and happy and am more aware of how powerful the mind is with intention.
I highly recommend this program. The content, the follow up support and guidance from Kelly is awesome.
Thank you for your time and effort. Love it! Cant wait to see what doors open"
- Lisa B, Oakey
"Before learning about your Mindset Program, I was in a very bad place, my thinking was negative a lot of the time, and I was stagnating.
I had to step out of my comfort zone to even attend and I am so glad I did, as I met some of the loveliest people. Not once did anyone not make me feel welcome. My whole outlook on life and people is changing, I am thinking much more positive now, still a work in progress, this program has got me on the right track.
I have learned a lot, and I feel I am more aware of my thoughts. This journey with you Kelly has been amazing!"
~ Sharon D. Toowoomba
The Energy Program was great! I really liked connecting with my new crystal friend. I can actually pick it up and just hold it and it gives me peace and I feel calm.
I loved the simplicity of looking up at the blue sky and seeing things I've never taken the time to enjoy before now.
I really loved the feeling of the energy pulling on the crystal during the chakra check.
And, the strong feeling that I wasn't alone. I couldn't explain it at the time, but now I believe there was a presence with me, wether it was one of my protecting angels, or someone from the other side.
I can't wait until I can actually get messages from them. I just need to stop and listen. Big hugs, miss you all xxx
Sandra S (Seven Hills, NSW)
Hi Kelly, Thank you for your Energy program and your hospitality for the day. It was very amazing, and has given me some really useful strategies.
Thank you for sharing your passion. It truly is infectious. I know I have a lot of growing to do, now I have much clearer picture of where I need to grow and also, most importantly HOW I need to grow.
I call you the psychologist for smart people, and I stand by it. Thank you.
~ Kind Regards, Denise P (Toowoomba, QLD)
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