Using Energy Healing & Mindset for Permanent Positive Change! 


Over the last week, I've just shared a few things with you about what I use energy healing towards. We've gone through

  • Depression, anxiety and stress
  • Children
  • Pets and wildlife
  • Clearing your home
  • Clearing yourself
  • Distance energy healing

and they're all covered - plus a tonne of other stuff as well - these are just things that I use energy healing for .... 

And they're all covered in the main course. BUT ... there's something  haven't told you ...



When you get the main Chakra Energy Healing Complete Online Course, you are also given the opportunity to get a Mindset Empowerment Formula. It's another online course that I've built, and this only helps to strengthen your chakra energy healing. I know many people are stuck in the way of their thinking. It's your thoughts that are energy and that are creating everything that you have in your experience.

So learning how to take control of your thoughts and applying your energy healing to it as well, that's the complete package! But when you get the main course - Chakra Energy Healing - and you'll also get the option to get the mindset one at over half price off. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOW 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE as of March 2018

That's over half price off and you can ONLY get that offer HERE . If you go onto my other websites they will be full price OR you can grab the main course which is the 

Chakra Energy Healing Complete Online Course and get the Mindset Empowerment Formula at over half price off.

I know - it's ridiculous. Only because they go together so well, they really really do!

If you want to be able to help

  • yourself
  • your children if you have any
  • your partner if you have a partner
  • pets if you have any pets
  • people overseas or family that might be scattered around the globe
  • going away on holidays, car trips, use energy for that
  • clearing your home of any energy

It's all in there as well as the main core part of the course which covers 

  • being able to connect with your guides
  • breaking through all the doubt that will arise
  • growing within yourself
  • clearing and balancing your own energy centres
  • clearing and balancing another persons energy centres
  • working with crystals 
  • how to read pendulums

It goes on and on. Click here, learn more and check it all out. Seriously, if you've wanted to take energy healing to a whole other level,  with complete support every step of the way - and that's the key - ... join!

Click here, look around, make your purchase, get your course and get started today and I will see you in there!

Anyway, take care, stay safe and remember, it's all good

xo Kelly 


something on your mind?
Comment below 


About Your Facilitator, Kelly Flack

Kelly Flack is a professional energy healing master, mindset coach and mentor.

As a wife and mother of two, Kelly's life changed when she hit rock bottom of depression. She was then guided to discover more about the human potential and she grabbed that chance with all she had.

Since then she has:

  • Created The Positive Mindset Momentum Method along with Energy Healing Programs and Life Enhancing Sessions
  • Held monthly Healing Gatherings in Toowoomba for local students to practise and build confidence in their energy healing abilities 
  • Built several online courses of meditation, mindset and energy for self healing and personal growth

Kelly specialises in helping people that have somehow become lost in life and feel stuck in todays society. She helps you to tune into your true nature as mindsets shift, energy amplifies and life comes back into a beautiful balance under a brand new and exciting perspective. 



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