Using Energy Healing For Yourself 


Okay, so you know how you can go to work every day if you're working, or just go out into life everyday or whatever the case may be, and by the end of the day you're feeling like crap you know. What happened there? How did that happen? 

Over the period of a week if you're going through the same rubbish every day with the same kind of people, by the end of the week, oh man! You could be flat as. 

It's important to be able to remove energy from you that you've picked up along the way. You can pick these up daily or you could pick them up from watching the TV, from listening to something on YouTube by a certain news feed on Facebook. It's all energy. It's all energy.

So feeling crappy and just blah, these things can be cleared and removed and it's beneficial that you do this, if you can at least once a week. But every day if you can and it only takes one minute. And I teach you how to do all of this - one minute - one minute for your life. You know.

For your happiness, to get rid of other people's crap - other people's baggage. You don't need to carry around someone else's rubbish. You really don't. You've got your own stuff to deal with and you can clear all that with energy healing as well. But I teach you all of this in our Chakra Energy Healing Complete Online Course.

It's an online course. Click the buttons next to the video and take a look at them. You also have access to our online Community of support. It's a secret group where we're just growing in leaps and bounds in there, just sharing all the wins that we have and all the different things that you can accomplish with energy healing.

And the amount of information in that group is phenomenal. Stuff is going in there all the time. Different ways to do this, different ways to do that, how it can make it easier for you. Making your life easier, clearer, cleaner, fresher, crisper, energetically and also happier. Anyway take care of you, stay safe, and remember, it's all good.

xo Kelly





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About Your Facilitator, Kelly Flack

Kelly Flack is a professional energy healing master, mindset coach and mentor.

As a wife and mother of two, Kelly's life changed when she hit rock bottom of depression. She was then guided to discover more about the human potential and she grabbed that chance with all she had.

Since then she has:

  • Created The Positive Mindset Momentum Method along with Energy Healing Programs and Life Enhancing Sessions
  • Held monthly Healing Gatherings in Toowoomba for local students to practise and build confidence in their energy healing abilities 
  • Built several online courses of meditation, mindset and energy for self healing and personal growth

Kelly specialises in helping people that have somehow become lost in life and feel stuck in todays society. She helps you to tune into your true nature as mindsets shift, energy amplifies and life comes back into a beautiful balance under a brand new and exciting perspective. 



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