Before we begin this self healing tip, you're going to need to call your Guides to you first and you can do that by clicking here and downloading "Calling My Guides To Me For Help With Energy Work"
After you've called your Guides to you, you've actually turned your hands on. You've got a healing energy going about you now. You've got your Guides helping you to work with healing energy.
So once you've turned your hands on, just brush your energy field. I know working on other people, usually around the throat area needs a lot of attention. Scoop out any heaviness energy that you might be experiencing. Just going all of your body clearing your energy field.
We pick up so many energetic things every day when we're out - even from the TV, the radio, things that we hear, other people comments, work, school. Clear your energy! Brush it all away.
Until next time, take care of you,
With Love,
Kelly Flack xo
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