Meditations (Reiki)

Meditations That Are  Always Designed to Give You a Transformation

The following guided reiki meditation journeys are suitable for 2nd Degree Reiki Practitioners of Usui Reiki. They are reiki sessions mixed in with soft music and some guided meditation for deep relaxation and healing. I have designed these to help you deeply relax, while your spirit team and Reiki guides help to release what is no longer of benefit to you, and empower you with the opportunity of a new perspective for your highest will and good of course.

Each guided meditation journey will have you calling in your reiki guides for healing. You'll then draw some 2nd degree symbols to pull into yourself. Next, you will be asked to get into a comfortable position to relax as my voice guides you deeper and you allow your Spirit Team and Reiki Guides to do the majority of the work for you. Enjoy xo


21. Reiki For Mind And Thoughts

We ALL go through "bumps in the road" during life. Whenever you have days where you are mostly in your mind with those runaway thoughts and possibly a chaotic mind energy, simply follow along with the reiki for mind and thoughts. This will calm your frame of mind significantly and help you get into a more peaceful state to be able to deal with the day or situation ahead.

The following Reiki Guided Meditation Journeys can be purchased for $10 each or ACCESS THE ENTIRE LIBRARY for a fraction of the price!


22. Reiki For  Communication

Having trouble expressing yourself or feeling like no one listens to a word you say? Use reiki for communication . Throat chakra healing  also covers thyroid at the base of the throat as well as neck and shoulder problems.


23. Reiki For Heart Centre

Neglecting yourself, feeling down, jealous of someone or simply feel like an energetic boost? Use Reiki for heart centre which will also replenish healing toward self-love and rejuvenate energy to arms and hands.

This journey can be accessed in the Meditation Journeys Library or on the  Patreon platform


24. Reiki For Confidence & Personal Power

If you ever find yourself working too much overtime, putting yourself down, feeling withdrawn and thinking you just won't be able to do anything right . . . reiki for confidence and personal power over the solar plexus will ease any anxiety, panic attacks, indigestion. You'll bring your body back into rest and digest mode as you slowly and surely build yourself up again - because you CAN! 

This meditation can be accessed in the Meditation Journeys Library  or on the Patreon platform. 


25. Reiki For Relationships

Going through days of holding in feelings and emotions, maybe a relationship has just gone into overwhelm and you just don't want to "people" anymore ? Reiki for relationships will help to soften anger and fear as your energy surrenders any grudges against relationship energies and helps built up emotions to be acknowledged. 

This journey can be accessed in the Meditation Journeys Library or on the  Patreon platform


26.  Reiki For Money, Work, Living

Having a week where the dollars seem to be flying out the door faster than they are coming in? Perhaps work is feeling heavier and heavier or your living situation is getting frustrating . . . reiki for money, work, living brings balance to root chakra energy and the way you walk through life. Easing finances, letting go of work dramas and bringing living situations into more clarity. 

This journey can be accessed in the Meditation Journeys Library or on the  Patreon platform


27. Reiki For Full Body Healing Session

And hey, if you just want to go through the ENTIRE body for healing, then go straight to the reiki for full body healing session. Great to use as part of your self-care routine every week to help keep your body, mind and spirit in harmonious balance.

This journey can be accessed in the Meditation Journeys Library or on the  Patreon platform











Want More Audios? Click Below
Audios 1 - 10          Audios 11 - 20           Audios 21 - 30 Reiki Journeys         Audios 31 - 40           Audios 41 - 50           Audios 51 - 60




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Copyright Kelly Flack