
Meditations That Are  Always Designed to Give You a Transformation

 For live class meditations click here

1. The Magic Wand

Take a journey through a hallway of seven doors. Each door leads to an empty room where you can unload any heavy thoughts that you may have been holding onto around a certain subject in your life - a specific subject, for each room.

This is a massive chakra clearing meditation healing session so please drink plenty of water afterward to help aid the clearing process. 

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


2. Radiating Love Energy To Family and Friends

Breathing into your heart, you are guided to fill, rejuvenate and expand your unconditional love energy until you are truly radiating.

What you do next, fills the people that you choose to hold in your minds eye, with a loving tenderness as the electromagnetic field from your heart is emphasised as you beam like a small sun.

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


3. Thought Awareness, Allowing and letting Go

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Even though this guided meditation is relaxing, there is work involved here. Simply follow along to my voice as you are guided through two different ways to be able to bring an awareness to the thought that you might be having on a daily basis. When you become aware of those thoughts that run on automatic pilot, you can step in, allow the thoughts to move through your mind without attaching to them as you purposefully take charge of the most powerful tool that you posses - your mind. This tool creates the outcomes that you are seeing in your life today! If you don't like what you are seeing in your life, you need to change your mind!


4. Physical Light Healing From Your Higher Self

As you are protected by Archangel Michael and Guided with The Light of your Higher Self, you will fill every fibre of your being with a beautiful healing energy all the way down your skeletal structure, organs, skin, muscle, tissues right down to the tiniest atoms and particles. 

Drink plenty of water after this meditation process to help the energy flow through your body as it heals for  your highest will and good. Enjoy!

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


5. The Droplet

Journey through the universe, galaxy and solar system as an individual droplet of water and then, as you come to a stop, experience yourself as a part of The Whole. 

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


6. Distance Yourself From Anxiety Worry and Stress

Learn how to energetically take anxiety off yourself with this fully guided meditation process. Enjoy the light feeling as you move away from anxiety worry and stress in such a way that will have you feeling relief and distance from any heaviness.

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library 


7. The Healing Touch

In your Spirit Team meeting place, you are guided to interact with your Healer Guide as they work with you, providing the healing touch that can benefit your body at this time. 

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library  


8. The Relaxed Version of You

Learn how to approach many different aspects of life from a relaxed point of view as you follow along with this fully guided meditation journey.

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


9. Ancient Crystal and dolphin healing

As the crystals of this ancient land fill the waters with an harmonic balance, you'll meet your dolphin family. Be with them as they send through a gorgeous dolphin healing as only dolphins can.

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


10. Light in the secret garden

Make your way down a beautiful flowered staircase that flows out to a secret garden of powerful healing. YOU, are the light in the secret garden.

You can listen to all of our guided meditation journeys in our Patreon Community OR click the button to buy now and add it to your audio library


Want More Audios? Click Below
Audios 1 - 10          Audios 11 - 20           Audios 21 - 30  Reiki Journeys             Audios 31 - 40           Audios 41 - 50           Audios 51 - 60

The above meditations are a great way to experience shifts within your body, mind and spirit to gently release any blockages that you might encounter during life




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Copyright Kelly Flack