Let Go of The Hose

Reiki is Life Force Energy. Life is meant to be something that flows with abundance in all things. And it does.  Until we get in our own way!

When working with Reiki, the practitioner really needs to innerstand how to get out of the way and why it's so important. Reiki has an intelligence of its own. When we connect with it, Reiki flows. That's it. Healing energy IS flowing. Get out of the way!

If we start thinking thoughts like

it's not working
what if I'm doing it wrong
do I need to make reiki do ___ for me
I can't feel anything so it's not working

These thoughts form energy blocks in your healing abilities. (and in your life!) In other words, you're putting a "kink in the hose" to stop its natural flow. Watch the video below about letting go of the hose. This  is part of 1st Degree Reiki Training with Kelly Flack.

Reiki Hugs,

Kelly xo

PS: See below for more blogs, refresher courses and full courses. Take what resonates.














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