Is Your Workplace Toxic?

If you find yourself in a toxic working environment, here's 7 tools that can help shift work energy and even look at this toxic situation as a potentially positive opportunity. 



The crystal as mentioned in the video was Tourmaline. However, there is so much more that crystals can do for you. Just do a Google search or Click Here and learn more about the online course, Introduction to Working With Crystals For Beginners. You will also be able to get a LOT of information from the curriculum previews for free. Take what you need. 


Protection Symbols

I send through protection symbols occasionally on my socials that offers protection for the week ahead to the person watching the video. The protection symbols are based in the distant healing symbols of Usui Reiki. If you'd like to learn about how the symbols work and what my daughter experienced by having these symbols on her (for protection from a bullying boss), then watch the video on this link here.  

If you'd like to be attuned to these symbols, you would need to go through 2nd Degree Usui Reiki Training, and become attuned to the energies of the symbols. Many people hold Reiki Training classes. It's as easy as doing a search for Reiki Masters in your area, get to know the master and if you like the way they work, book into one of their classes.

Reiki actually changed my entire family's life. So much so, that I took myself through all of the training, became a Reiki Master and started running my own Reiki Training classes in 2014. 

You're welcome to take a look at my in person Reiki training classes which are held in Gowrie Junction and also in the Bunya Mountains. And there is also an online course for Reiki training available as well.  


Connect With Your Spirit Team

We ALL have a spirit team. No exceptions. Print out "The Calling" in the free download and start consciously working with your team today :)


Energy Ball


Peel Back


Work For Yourself Instead



Mindset Empowerment

I LOVE this  stuff! Mindset is the thing that drives us. It's the thing that brings to us, everything that we have in our lives. Even the crappy stuff. Yep! Own it! 

To find out when the new mindset retreats and courses become available, keep an eye on my Facebook page or subscribe to be kept in the loop. 

Negative thinking attracts even more negative experiences into our lives. Learn how to stop negative thoughts at work and about work (about anything for that matter) . . . in their tracks! 

Distant Healing Sessions

CLICK HERE and learn more about how distant healing sessions work and what they can do for you.
And then go and create your masterpiece  :) xoxo 


Life. You've Got This ;) 

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Copyright Kelly Flack