Black Obsidian eliminates negative energy in oneself and in ones environment. It removes energetic attachments, hooks and cords.
Black Obsidian is useful for spirit communication and for scrying.
Black Obsidian can cleanse the auric field of ones own emanations of anger, greed, fear and resentment. It can also assist in breaking negative emotionally based patterns such as eating disorders, self-abuse and addictions.
It is a strong grounding stone. As with any crystal, be completely honest with yourself when programming this powerful stone.
Root Chakra. The energy of black obsidian may stimulate the gift of prophesy. It gets you to take a deeper look within yourself. It assists with removing blockages within the meridian system.
Introduction to working with crystals is an online course that you can make your way through at your own pace. No timeframe to complete. Yours for life.
Every alternate year this retreat does crystal work for beginners. Includes the crystals to take home too.
Work with crystals and chakra energy to bring a harmonious balance to all aspects of your life at this in depth retreat.
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