Green Aventurine is an all-round healer bringing in well-being and emotional calm.
It is a good stone for those pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, reducing anxiety and fears and can be soothing and calming for claustrophobia.
A great comforter and heart healer that settles nausea and dissolves negative thoughts. It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol.
Known as the good luck stone it is often kept in cash boxes or drawers to attract money.
You could program Green Aventurine to re-balance the heart chakra as it helps you understand your own needs and emotions clearly.
Heart Chakra. Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues.
Introduction to working with crystals is an online course that you can make your way through at your own pace. No timeframe to complete. Yours for life.
Every alternate year this retreat does crystal work for beginners. Includes the crystals to take home too.
Work with crystals and chakra energy to bring a harmonious balance to all aspects of your life at this in depth retreat.
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